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Links to Sustainability


You can make a difference as a responsible consumer!


What do I do with old or broken products?       


1. Throwing them in the trash should be a last resort.  Many products, especially electronics and batteries, have components that are dangerous for the environment (e.g., lead, mercury, cadmium).


2. Go to to find groups that accept old or broken products.  This site (by Consumer Reports) also has a wealth of links and information about other  ways to protect the environment.


3. To find stores that accept worn-out rechargeable batteries, go to ​   Several stores are working to help with proper disposal and recycling of batteries (e.g., Office Depot, The Home Depot, Lowes, Circuit City).


4. Don't throw away used printer ink cartridges!! Office Depot will recycle them - and some will give you free recycled paper in exchange.


How do I make better choices for the environment?       


1. Go to (by Consumer Reports) for a wealth of links and information about ways to protect the environment, including analysis of many different product categories.


2. Check out for information about the film An Inconvenient Truth, and find ways to live in a more environment-friendly manner.


3. Other good resources for learning to live more "green":


We Can Solve It!

The Daily Green

Department of Energy Resource Site

Find Your Global Footprint

Think Recycle!

Kiplinger Green Quiz and Articles

Tips for "Light" Green Living

Business Green Blog

Recycle Wireless Phones




Green Links



We Can Solve It - Focus on the climate crisis - supported by Al Gore
Sustainability - Wikipedia - What is sustainability?  Wikipedia explains it!
EcoEarth - Comprehensive news and search supporting the sustainability movement
Sustainable Marketing - Supporting sustainable marketing for businesses
Sustainable Business - News and information about sustainable business
The Green Life - Comprehensive site about living a green life
Second Nature - Promoting education for sustainability
Ceres - Investors and environmentalists for sustainable prosperity
Ecotourism - Uniting conservation, communities and sustainable travel
Eldis - Sharing the best in development policy, practice and research
Better Place - One man's interesting vision for an electric car network
Ecology and Society - Journal dedicated to integrative science for resilience and sustainability
Little Carbon Feet - Calculate your carbon footprint!
J Ottman - Green marketing specialist
Earth Justice - Nonprofit environmental law firm
Ethical Markets - Comprehensive news and support site for a sustainable world
Green Guide - National Geographic site on green living
Global Footprint Network - Advancing the science of sustainability
Greener Choices - Consumer Reports guide to green buying
Climate Crisis - Site for the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth"
Business Green Blog - Green blog - with links to other green-related blogs
U.S. DOE - Department of Energy site on energy efficiency and renewable energy
Terra Choice - Environmental marketing - blogs and info
Green Business Directory - Comprehensive directory of green-focused businesses and shopping
1Sky - Also focused on climate change





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