Dr. David Rylander
Professor of Marketing
Chair, Department of Management & Marketing
Texas Woman's University
Links to Sustainability
You can make a difference as a responsible consumer!
What do I do with old or broken products?
​ 1. Throwing them in the trash should be a last resort. Many products, especially electronics and batteries, have components that are dangerous for the environment (e.g., lead, mercury, cadmium). ​ 2. Go to http://www.GreenerChoices.org to find groups that accept old or broken products. This site (by Consumer Reports) also has a wealth of links and information about other ways to protect the environment. ​ 3. To find stores that accept worn-out rechargeable batteries, go to ​http://www.rbrc.org. Several stores are working to help with proper disposal and recycling of batteries (e.g., Office Depot, The Home Depot, Lowes, Circuit City). ​ 4. Don't throw away used printer ink cartridges!! Office Depot will recycle them - and some will give you free recycled paper in exchange.
How do I make better choices for the environment?
​ 1. Go to http://www.GreenerChoices.org (by Consumer Reports) for a wealth of links and information about ways to protect the environment, including analysis of many different product categories. ​ 2. Check out http://www.climatecrisis.org/ for information about the film An Inconvenient Truth, and find ways to live in a more environment-friendly manner. ​ 3. Other good resources for learning to live more "green": ​ Department of Energy Resource Site |
Green Links
We Can Solve It - Focus on the climate crisis - supported by Al Gore |
Sustainability - Wikipedia - What is sustainability? Wikipedia explains it! |
EcoEarth - Comprehensive news and search supporting the sustainability movement |
Sustainable Marketing - Supporting sustainable marketing for businesses |
Sustainable Business - News and information about sustainable business |
The Green Life - Comprehensive site about living a green life |
Second Nature - Promoting education for sustainability |
Ceres - Investors and environmentalists for sustainable prosperity |
Ecotourism - Uniting conservation, communities and sustainable travel |
Eldis - Sharing the best in development policy, practice and research |
Better Place - One man's interesting vision for an electric car network |
Ecology and Society - Journal dedicated to integrative science for resilience and sustainability |
Little Carbon Feet - Calculate your carbon footprint! |
J Ottman - Green marketing specialist |
Earth Justice - Nonprofit environmental law firm |
Ethical Markets - Comprehensive news and support site for a sustainable world |
Green Guide - National Geographic site on green living |
Global Footprint Network - Advancing the science of sustainability |
Greener Choices - Consumer Reports guide to green buying |
Climate Crisis - Site for the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth" |
Business Green Blog - Green blog - with links to other green-related blogs |
U.S. DOE - Department of Energy site on energy efficiency and renewable energy |
Terra Choice - Environmental marketing - blogs and info |
Green Business Directory - Comprehensive directory of green-focused businesses and shopping |
1Sky - Also focused on climate change |